He guanyat!! I win!!

A Scrapbook store here in Barcelona made a contest of tags for Valentine's Day. I made 2 tags for the contest and I win!!! I'm very excited although I don't really celebrate this date because here in Catalunya we celebrate Sant Jordi.

ScrapHouse convocava un concurs de tags per SantValentí i he guanyat!!! Tot i que no cel·lebro aquest dia (ja que jo ho faig el dia de Sant Jordi) m'ha fet molta il·lusió! Aquí teniu els tags que vaig fer!
(Patry: gracias por animarme a hacerlos y aconsejarme!!!)

This one was the first I did. I wanted to avoid the tipical colors (pink, red) of Valentine's Day.
The one under is a more simple one. I just really like the Beatles song "All you need is Love"!!
Enjoy it!

La Clandestina (Tea Shop)

La Clandestina
c/Baixada de Viladecols 2, Barcelona

Very cool place. All kinds of tea!! I think they have wifi too!!


This is my favorite carrot cake recipe!!! I've done it sooo many times!! Some of my friends have asked me for the recipe so here it is!!!
Dámaris aquí la tens ara només l'has de fer i donar-me'n un trosset!!!! Les mides del pastís són americanes (cups, tablespoons TBls, teaspoons Tsp, etc). Al Ikea les venen. A disfrutar!!!!

For the cake (el pastís):
2 cups Flour (farina)
1 Tsp. Baking Soda ( Bicarbonat)
1 Tsp. Salt (Sal)
2 Tsp. Cinnamon (canela)
2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Margarine
4 Eggs
3 Cups Grated Carrots (pastanaga triturada)

Mix flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Add Sugar and margarine. Mix well. Beat
eggs, add grated carrots.

Bake for 35 min at 180º

Barrejar la farina, el bicarbonat, la sal i la canyella. Afegir el sucre i la margarina. Barrejar bé. Batre els ous i afegir a la massa. Afegir la pastanaga triturada.

Al forn durant 35 min a 180º

1/2 Cup butter or Margarine
1 Cup Cream Cheese (formatge Philadephia)
2 Tsp. Vanilla extract (extracte de Vainilla líquida)
1 Box Powdered Sugar (sucre glacé)

Mix and put on the cake when cold.

Barrejar els ingredients i afegir al pastís quan aquest estigui fred.

Christmas on Febuary!

I've being wanting to show you my christmas decorations for a while! My favorite decoration i s the raindeer my friend Raquel gave me three years ago! I just love it!

Gifts for my family!

This are 2 brooches I did for my mother and my mother-in-law's b-day